grønne planter, jungle


Net-zero coffee and biodiversity

kaffebønner molekyler

Net-zero coffee

As the only ones in the country, we can offer a coffee with a documented reduction of CO2e of more than 90%

hvide skyer på blå himmel

We helped our customer save +100 tons of CO2 in the first six months - just by changing the coffee.

kaffelandskab i Colombia med skyggetræer


Complies with new and upcoming EU legislation

The EU has adopted several new laws to minimize the member states' contribution to climate impacts and social exploitation.

Some laws have already entered into force, others are on the way - but we already live up to the new laws: CSDDD, CSRD, EUDR.

In short, this means that with our transparent value chain we can document that our coffee has not contributed to deforestation, as well as social problems such as child labour, oppression etc.


Get an overview

We give peace of mind

We have made your climate reporting easier. As a customer of CleverCoffee, you get free access to all our data and documentation. Nothing is secret.

Once a year, we send an overview of your coffee consumption. Here you can e.g. see your CO2 emissions and savings, as well as how much extra payment the coffee farmer has received via your coffee purchases.

With our extensive documentation and transparent value chain, you can have complete peace of mind about your coffee consumption.

oversigt over co2-udledning på kaffe

10.19 kg. vs. 0.38 kg

Big savings on the climate account

Conventional coffee emits approx. 10.19 kg. CO2 per kg. coffee. Our coffee, IMPACT No. 01, emits only 0.38 kg. That's a saving of more than 96%.

If you drink a lot of coffee at work, you can save a lot on the climate bill with the right coffee.

bjerglandskab med kaffetræer

Agroforestry and shade grown coffee


Coffee is grown in many different ways - some more harmful than others.

With regenerative forestry, you strengthen biodiversity and reduce the need for pesticides and water consumption. And in fact, it also contributes to the coffee's good taste, as the coffee berries take longer to ripen in the shade of other trees.


See before and after pictures

Bio Recovery Project

All the farms we work with have many different environmental measures that suit their specific challenges, climate and production.

Here you can see before and after pictures from the areas around the coffee farms of our Brazilian partner Sancoffee.

3TEMP setup PULS og Bentwood kaffekværn

Save up to 90% of energy consumption

Energy-saving equipment

If you brew responsibly traded coffee beans, approx. 70% of the total CO2 emission for a cup of coffee in the brewing itself.

We do away with old-fashioned coffee machines with boilers, and give you the opportunity to acquire so-called boilerless coffee machines - i.e. coffee machines without a boiler.

With boilerless, you can save up to 90% of energy consumption.

Kaffe Bueno cirkulær strategi

Coffee Bueno

Circular solutions

Since 2021, we have offered a collaboration with Kaffe Bueno regarding the upcycling of coffee grounds.

If you can't do anything else, coffee is excellent as pure bio-waste. A step up the ladder can be a collaboration with talented people at Kaffe Bueno. Here, your customers have the opportunity to have coffee grounds collected once a week.

It is then converted into soap, for example, so that it can be used as a circular product. You can then buy the products and get your logo on them. Kaffe Bueno, which is also B Corp certified, has just opened the world's first Danish coffee biorefinery in Rødovre.

latteart i kaffekop

Responsible coffee in the office

Every cup has an impact

Coffee from CleverCoffee is an obvious opportunity to get your employees closer to the company's responsible agenda. And every single cup makes a well-documented positive difference.

Coffee is close to the individual employee and something tangible in everyday life. Now the colleagues gather about the company's responsible choice.

Coffee solution at clevercoffee

We offer:


Exceptionally tasty and responsible coffee

B Corp logo

Certified accountability that gives peace of mind

CO2-neutral or organic?

Two coffees, each with its own impact

1 kg kaffepose med impact no. 01

CO2-neutral coffee beans from Brazil


In this coffee you will find a round, rich and sweet taste with notes of chocolate and caramel. This is a real crowd pleaser that you can easily serve on any occasion.

The coffee is verified CO2-neutral according to the Net-Zero Standard (SBTi).

Here they drink CleverCoffee in the office:

Shall we talk?

Book a coffee meeting

Give us a call

+45 50 40 33 76

More than just coffee

Extra services as a business customer

transparency report

Transparency Report

clevercoffees e-læringsplatform vist på mobiltelefon




Lars Frello holder kaffesmagning

Coffee tasting



We are completely transparent throughout our value chain. If you want to dive down the rabbit hole, you can read our latest Transparency Report here.

Our B Corp certification is a third-party guarantee that we are a responsible company. With the certification, we have documentation that we:

1. Alleviates poverty in the producing countries

2. Increases biodiversity in the production countries

You can read much more about our responsibility here .

Yes, we can - and we are very happy to do so.

If you simply write an email to and describe your current coffee consumption, we can calculate the CO2 savings you will get if you switch to our coffee.

When you are a business customer with us, you receive an annual statement of the CO2 savings you have achieved in the past year.

Yes, we are happy to share all our documentation with you. It includes i.a. what payment the farmer has received, what emissions the coffee has caused, GPS coordinates of the coffee farm, so that it is guaranteed to be free of deforestation, and all other documentation you need.

Training and communication

Yes, we are happy to come and help with the training of your staff. That way, they can brew and present the coffee in the best possible way - and both parties are happy.

As a business customer, you also get access to our e-learning platform CleverCoffee Learn. The platform consists of a large number of courses with text and video, which describe how your coffee machine works, is cleaned and maintained, stories from the coffee farm and tips and tricks for coffee brewing.

The e-learning platform functions as supplementary training for your staff - but can also be accessed from the phone when the "how was it just now..." questions pop up in everyday life.

Yes, when you become a business customer with us, you will receive a complete communication package with images and texts, which can be used on your channels to talk about your new coffee solution.

You have the option of having various printed materials sent, e.g. our annual Transparency Report, which is full of exciting articles and great pictures, and which works really well as a coffee table book. It has many customers lying in front where they serve the coffee.

Of course, we would also very much like to work with you on an external story - and if you want tailored communication materials, we can do that too.

We are happy to do a coffee tasting for you - even if you are not a customer (yet). Write to and we can arrange a coffee tasting either on our premises or at your place. If there is potential for collaboration, the coffee tasting is absolutely free.

The technical

Yes, we are of course very happy to help with the full installation of your equipment.

Yes. Although our machines are very reliable, accidents can of course happen. A typical service agreement entails a reaction time of max. 8 hours - and we are happy to help with both small and large challenges.

You can always catch us on the phone, and you can expect us to be available and present.

Yes. On most machines, you can advantageously make a leasing agreement - and many of our customers prioritize this. The terms of the agreement depend on the machines. If you have any questions about a possible leasing agreement, please feel free to write to us at:

Yes. We can install monitoring equipment on the coffee machines, so that we from the roastery can keep an eye on your consumption of coffee and the condition of the machines. This way we can ensure that there is always coffee in stock, and we are automatically warned if a machine needs service.

Yes. We have good collaborations with other B Corp certified companies that make both tea and hot chocolate in very high quality with a very high degree of responsibility. In this way, you can get a complete solution for hot drinks with an overall consistency of quality and responsibility.