

The IMPACT series is our answer to responsible coffee – or delicious and responsible hot chocolate.



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The Responsible Choice

Responsible Coffee – What Does That Mean?

Sustainability is a bit of a tricky word. It is used a lot in everyday speech but it has become a rather imprecise word – just like when you use the word "green". We know what you're talking about... sort of.

So instead of using an ambiguous, imprecise word, we talk about responsibility instead. And then we tell you what we think is responsible. This way there's not much room for confusion and the bottom line is clear.

Our responsibility entails that we deal directly with farmers and pay them a decent price that can atually cover their living expenses. We think this is incredibly important because the work that the farmers do is the reason why we can exist at all, and they deserve to be paid a proper price for their important work.

We, of course, also care about the climate. This means that we buy coffee that is grown in ways that do not worsen the climate. It is seen, for example, in coffee, which is cultivated or naturally grows in agroforestry rather than cleared agriculture. When the coffee is grown in agroforestry, it is shade-grown, which gives some very specific (and delicious) flavour notes to the coffee and increases biodiversity in the area.

In addition, we also work to reduce our own climate footprint. It helps that we look at our CO2 emissions every year and find out how we can reduce it. One of the reasons why our CO2 emissions are low is, among other things, that we always send our coffee on cargo ships rather than planes. The CO2 emissions are much lower that way - and we can bear waiting a few weeks longer for the coffee.

specialty coffee

Responsible Specialty Coffee

All our coffees are specialty coffees, and this also applies to the IMPACT series.

The term "specialty coffee" covers the quality of the coffee. Specialty coffee is coffee that has been grown, harvested, processed and roasted thoughtfully and carefully.

The quality of specialty coffee is based partially on a cupping scale with points from 1-100 created by the Specialty Coffee Association. When a coffee scores over 80 points on the cupping scale, it is defined as specialty coffee.

And all our coffees do that – including the IMPACT series.

impact chocolate powder

Organic Chocolate With IMPACT

CleverCoffee now has its very own chocolate powder. It is organic and made from 55% cocoa from Ecuador. The cocoa beans are grown in agroforestry where the cocoa plants stand in the shade of other trees. This entails better conditions for the local animal and plant life.

To fight poverty and ensure proper payment, the cocoa is traded directly with the cocoa farmer.

Our IMPACT Chocolate Powder is made in collaboration with Mellow. Mellow is committed to promoting positive change. They focus on ethical procurement, fair labor practices, reducing environmental damage and delivering clean and healthy chocolate.


Net-Zero Coffee

The taste, quality and responsibility of this coffee is great. IMPACT No. 01 is a carbon neutral coffee according to the Net-Zero Standard .

This means that we and the coffee farm have done a huge job to reduce our carbon emissions from coffee production by more than 90%. We compensate the remaining percentages with carbon credits, making, the coffee 100% carbon neutral according to the Net-Zero Standard.

IMPACT No. 01 is traded directly, so there is no middleman, and the money goes directly to the farmer. This way, we ensure good cooperation with full transparency.

IMPACT No. 01 comes from the B Corp certified cooperative Sancoffee in Brazil. More specifically, it comes from the Santa Clara farm. The farm is verified carbon neutral, and this is precisely what has been able to grant the coffee as climate neutral according to the Net-Zero Standard.


Organic Coffee

Great taste and organic quality makes this coffee a real crowd pleaser.

IMPACT No. 02 is Certified Organic coffee, which means that it is completely free of synthetic fertilisers and pesticides. It is also shade-grown in the mountain forests of Honduras, which takes the nearby agriculture into account and promotes biodiversity. The shade cultivation gives a nice taste to the coffee too.

We trade IMPACT No. 02 directly with the agricultural cooperative Cafesmo in Honduras. This means that we avoid the middleman and at the same time can ensure a responsible payment to the cooperative and full transparency.

Impact no. 03

Coffee Produced by Women

When drinking IMPACT No. 03, you support women in the coffee industry. But how does that work? Well, read on to find out!

Our coffee IMPACT No. 03 comes from the Nascentes Project in Brazil. A project whose purpose is to connect and support women in the coffee industry in Campo das Vertentes, Brazil. The goal is to help women recognise the value of their work and their opportunities to become just as professional and successful as the men in the industry.

But why is that important?

Because the work that women do in the coffee industry is often goes unrecognized or is downplayed.

With IMPACT No. 03 we centre the women in the coffee industry. It is coffee produced 100% by women and it is coffee that supports women. And when you drink the coffee, you also support them.