La Catarata
True and Tested
La Catarata is the very first coffee we bought from our direct trade partners Café Rivense in Costa Rica. It is one of our all time favourites and it has been a part of our lineup for years.
This winter Lindy travelled to Costa Rica to visit Café Rivense. He took many impressions home, but the biggest one – family – we will tell you about here.
One of the main things I took home with me – besides the fantastic nature and amazing coffee – was the feeling of family. The Ureña Rojas live side by side in three generations. They work together, they eat together and they take great care of each other.

Family above all
In Honour of Abuelito Régulo
Café Rivense is above all a family. That family happens to be running an excellent coffee production on a beautiful piece of land.
Café Rivense was founded by Régulo and Isabel 20 years ago, but their history of coffee on this land goes back several generations. Régulos father, Abuelito (grandpa) Régulo, past away last year, but he was a big part of the work on the farm. They still honor his legacy in their work and their continuous effort to deliver fantastic quality coffee.
This fierce family closeness and way of living, we rarely see here in Denmark - yet it is truly inspiring. The Ureñas are united in their passion for coffee and their beautiful farmland. This is evident in the quality of their coffee, such as La Catarata, and something to not take for granted.
This month, we want to highlight the craftsmanship past on for generations in the Ureña family and to honor abuelito Régulo - we are thankful to be able to enjoy the result of generations of dedication!

Mario and Abuelito Régulo

- Origin: Costa Rica
- Region: Chirripó
- Washing station: Café Rivense del Chirripó
- Variety: Red Catuaí
- Process: Black Honey
- Altitude: 1600 masl
- Harvest: April 2023
- Notes: Clean and complex with notes of pineapple, cherry, caramel and milk chocolate.

Our Purchase
We have paid $9.92/kg for the coffee (FOB).
The market price at time of the contract was $4.08/kg.
This means that we have paid 143% above the market price for this particular coffee.
Read about why we pay more for our coffee HERE.