New certification

The D-Brand

It's about value

Over the summer of 2024, CleverCoffee has been awarded the D-seal. If it sounds like another letter certification that you don't know, hang on: It's important.

The D-label is Denmark's label system for IT security and responsible data use. This combination is unique and based on international standards. The D-seal was created by the Industriens Fond in collaboration with Dansk Erhverv, Dansk Industri, SMEDanmark and Forbrugerrådet Tænk, and is also supported by the Danish Business Authority.

With our new D-seal certification, CleverCoffee can add a whole new value to our company and our solutions. We can assure existing and future customers that we have our digital security under control and that we have achieved an even higher degree of delivery security.

"CleverCoffee is more than just coffee - we are a production company where digital systems and platforms play a big role. The digital part of our business must of course be just as responsible as the rest"
- Johanne Fangel Thygesen, responsible for the D-seal

Digital systems have been a part of CleverCoffee from the start. That is why you can see the wi-fi signal above the coffee cup in our logo, among other things. That degree of digitization exists in our company, from customer handling, purchasing, production to finance and much more.

We all need IT security

IT security is about much more than cryptic passwords and advanced firewalls. Both in private life and at work, everyday life has become more digital, which places greater demands on how we protect our data and digital systems. Just as we lock the door to our warehouse, that we have video surveillance of our buildings and that we have insurance on our goods, we must also secure our digital part of the company.

Today, companies must deal with IT to a much greater extent, both as a positive opportunity, but also as a potential threat. The Center for Cyber ​​Security has recently raised the threat level in Denmark on several parameters, which means that companies are more likely to be hit by cyber attacks that could render them unable to operate.

Therefore, it is also important for us to handle our digital business responsibly. With the D-seal, we have taken the next step in terms of IT security, and we want to demonstrate digital accountability and efficiency to our customers, in addition to ensuring the necessary compliance:

With the D-seal, we also ensure that we comply with current and future legislation in IT and data security, such as NIS2. It must of course be in place, regardless of whether you are directly affected company or supplier.

Johanne Fangel Thygesen, D-seal responsible

Mand der ser på kaffeplante med grønne bær. Certified B Corporation logo i forgrunden.

The D-team is the new black

We have long been part of the B team (certified B Corp). For us, the D-seal, in addition to the obvious value, is an opportunity to join a new and prominent club and thus stand out in the market:

“How many coffee roasters do you know that are certified for digital security? IT and data security have a practical value, but we also want to use it as a competitive advantage and stand out on the market - in a different way than we already do"
- Johanne Fangel Thygesen, D-label responsible

In order to obtain the D-seal, CleverCoffee has gone through an intensive process. From April to July 2024, we carried out a thorough self-assessment and began the supervision process of documenting and auditing the team behind the D-seal. As part of this process, we carried out a comprehensive review of our IT systems, security procedures and data handling.

The process has been manageable and hugely valuable to us. We can highly recommend the D-seal to those who would like to create even more structure and value in their company and for their customers.