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Speedster is equipped with two separately functioning boilers: a large steam boiler to produce hot water and steam, and a boiler to heat water for coffee brewing. Each boiler has its own electronic temperature control system, heating element, and safety devices, providing extremely precise temperature stability.

The large steam boiler ensures high capacity, heating elements in both boilers, and a heat exchanger inside the steam boiler that preheats the water for the large dedicated coffee boiler.


The steam boiler has a total capacity of 3.5 liters. It is made of 316L stainless steel. The boiler wall is 2 mm thick, the flanges are 6 mm.

The display is installed at the front of the machine, which is easy to adjust. The machine offers an Eco mode for longer periods of inactivity, where the temperature drops to 70 °C.


The coffee boiler is made of 3 mm stainless steel tube and 6 mm thick flanges. All steel is 316L. Both the lid and the bottom of the group are removable and sealed with O-rings. The total capacity of the boiler with group is 2.1 liters.

The cold water entering the machine is first directed through a heat exchanger located inside the steam boiler. When it leaves the heat exchanger, its temperature is higher than necessary because the steam boiler operates at 135 °C. It is cooled down by the crossflow of incoming cold and outgoing hot water.

Water temperature can be easily changed by simply pressing a button in front of the machine. It can be adjusted by 0.1 °C.

The controller offers an Eco mode, where the temperature drops to 50 °C during longer periods of inactivity.