Two B Corps together resulted in

A net-zero coffee

Read more about how CleverCoffee and Sancoffee reduced the carbon emissions of one coffee with +90%

Read More about the cooperation

Sancoffee X CleverCoffee

Together with our partners from Brazil, Sancoffee, we started the project back in 2022. The goal of measuring the carbon emissions throughout the value chain was to learn where our main emissions are and what we can do to reduce them.

"Combining our efforts and measuring the footprint across the whole value chain felt like a natural next step for us. Without awareness, there’s no change. And we believe understanding the impact of the whole journey can help us and all industry players think more holistically about the problem and look for new ways to reduce impact collectively." Fabricio, CEO of Sancoffee.

Together with Sancoffee, we released an article describing the process, method, timeline and much more.

The difference is huge

10,19 kg vs. 0,38 kg

That is the difference between the carbon emissions of a comparable standard coffee and the carbon emissions of IMPACT No. 01.

Put differently: IMPACT No. 01 emits 3,8% CO2 compared to a conventional coffee pr. kilo roasted and delivered coffee.

Net-zero implies that maximum 10% of the carbon-neutral coffee can be compensated. IMPACT No. 01 is much below that amount.


Net-zero coffee

Is your company taking action and working towards a better impact on the planet? Interested in bringing down your carbon emissions?

Switching to a responsible and carbon-neutral coffee can help bring down your emissions and deliver significant results in your work towards a responsible company.

Our coffee Impact No. 01 is not only carbon-neutral. It is verified net-zero by The Net-Zero Standard (SBTi) reducing the carbon emissions with +90%.

We helped our customer save +100 tons of CO2 on the first six months – by switching to IMPACT No. 01


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Verified by FORCE Technology

FORCE Technology has verified our large amount of data so both we and our customers are guaranteed that IMPACT No. 01 is verified carbon-neutral following The Net-Zero Standard.

grønne blade

verified offsets

B Corp compensation

Our CO2-compensation is made in cooperation with B Corp certified Ecologi and is used for a variety of projects all over the world. They all have documented effect for either reducing or avoiding the emission of carbon gasses.

The projects are all Verified Carbon Standard-certified through VERRA. The selection of projects is guided by their Climate Committee and follows the Project Drawdown framework.

Contact us

Would you like to serve net-zero coffee in your office?

Send us a message and will reach out with for casual talk.